love and love fortune, protection from evil and bad luck, longevity, health, and healing | Sugilite /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production South Africa, Japan
color Brownish green, purple, dark purple, gray
hardness 5.5~6.5
composition KNa2(Fe、Mn、Al)2Li3Si12O30

the meanings of the stones

Shows fair solutions, provides unchanging love, and protects you from danger.


One of the stones that can be distributed without requiring various processing. The most highly valued type is the purple type produced in South Africa. The most commonly distributed type is the purple type whose color comes from the manganese. However, the stones found in Japan are mostly pale yellow-green.


This is the only power stone named after a Japanese person, Professor Kenichi Sugi, a petrologist who discovered the stone. Found on the Island of Iwagishima located in Seto Inland Sea in 1944, the Sugilite is a new mineral whose current name was officially registered in 1975, after over 30 years of research.


Washing under flowing water,Moonlight bathing


Keep away from strong ultraviolet rays.