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love and love fortune | Rhodochrosite /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Peru, Argentina, USA, Africa, Japan
color Pink to pinky orange, striped pattern
hardness 3.5~4
composition Mn2+CO3

the meanings of the stones

Attracts passionate love and lead to a enriched life.


Pretty shades of pink and beautiful rosy color. Some come with an orange shade as well. There are also some that come with stripes, but the more expensive ones are almost transparent and have a nearly even reddish orange color.


The name rhodochrosite comes from the Greek words rhodon (meaning ‘rose') and chrom (meaning ‘color'). As its name suggests, it is as beautiful as a rose. Due to the fact that the stone is mainly produced in Argentina and other Central and South American regions that were once under the thriving rule of the Inca Empire, the stone is also known as the Inca Rose. Rhodochrosite was valued by the ancient Inca people, who saw it as ‘a pink pearl with rose pattern' or ‘rose of Inca.'


Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster


Famous as stone of love alongside the rose quartz. The Rhodochrosite produced in Hokkaido has top class quality in the world. The stone may discolor if exposed to water, salt or sunlight over long periods of time.