communication, longevity, health, and healing | Howlite /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production USA
color White (sometimes with vein-like black or brown colors), can be rarely colorless
hardness 3.5
composition Ca2B5SiO(OH)5

the meanings of the stones

Eases loneliness and sorrow.


The vitreous luster produced when being polished makes the howlite versatile not only for use in jewelry, also in sculptures and other crafts. This white, soft mineral is easy to process and there is also the Howlite Turquoise available that is the howlite dyed in turquoise blue. The majority of the howlites out on the market these days are actually magnesites. Although two stones are different in their components, the magnesite is sold as howlite because it is more mass-produced and cheaper, while having a very similar appearance to the howlite.


The name comes from the Canadian mineralogist H. How.


Smoking with incense


Howlite should be handled with care, as it is brittle and can be easily damaged. Avoid keeping it with other stones.