longevity, health, and healing | Green Agate /


Green Agate

Green Agate

* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Germany, Uruguay, Brazil
color Green
hardness 6.5~7
composition SiO2

the meanings of the stones

Traditional Japanese amulet that brings longevity and health.


Agate is a type of chalcedony and a mass of small quartz crystals. The chalcedony mineral that turns green after heat treatment becomes green agate. Many green agate stones have stripes as well.


The name agate comes from the fact that the stone was mined at river Achates in Sicily, Italy. The Japanese name meno (using Chinese characters that represent the horse and the brain) comes from the fact that the raw ore looks similar to the brain of a horse.


Sun bathing,Washing under flowing water