TOP PAGE > Stone Library > Stone Search: by wish > BlackTourmaline

longevity, health, and healing | BlackTourmaline /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Brazil
color Black
hardness 7~7.5
composition 2+NaFe3Al6(BO3)3Si6o18(OH)4

the meanings of the stones

Stone that substitutes for you, bringing you courage and self-confidence.


Often found in the form of columnar crystals with parallel lines across the crystal plane. The color is black due to the iron contained in the stone.


Native Americans used this in rituals as a‘stone that inspires,' regarding it as a revelation of the earth's energies for the electrical charges or electricity it emits. In Europe, it was widely used as a gemstone for mourning during the Victorian era.


Moonlight bathing,Washing under flowing water,Placing on stone cluster,Using salt,Smoking with incense,Sun bathing


Only black tourmaline can be used when sunbathing. Direct exposure to sunlight can cause the colors of colored tourmalines to fade.