good fortune with having children, safe delivery, and harmony of marriage, longevity, health, and healing | Amber /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Russia, Dominican Republic, Lithuania, Poland, etc.
color Translucent gold, brown, yellow
hardness 2~2.5
composition C,H,O+H2S

the meanings of the stones

Talisman that protects children from sickness, calms the mind, and good fortune with having children.


Amber is fossilized resin from coniferous trees during the Tertiary age.


The name amber derives from the Arabic word anber, meaning ambergris. In Han China, it was believed that the amber was a stone upon which the soul of a dead tiger dwelled. Amber produces a scent when burnt and thus was used in China as an incense.


Moonlight bathing, Placing on stone cluster, Placing on stone cluster


Amber should be kept away from heat and acids. Its bright color and sense of warm makes amber popular especially in autumn and winter. Amber is famously featured in the film Jurassic Park, where scientist extracted dinosaur blood from a mosquito fossilized inside an amber.