April birthstone July stone : Quartz /

Stone Search: by wish



* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Brazil, Switzerland, Madagascar, Japan
color Transparent, semi-transparent, white, pink, purple, yellow, black
hardness 7
composition SiO2

the meanings of the stones

Said to have the power to cleanse all kinds of things—harmonizes everything and maintain positive balance between different types of stones


Transparent quartz is called‘rock crystal,' while non-transparent quartz is simply called 'quartz.' In addition, various color rock crystals exist, with purple rock crystal being known as‘amethyst,' yellow rock crystal as ‘citrine' and white or milky white rock crystal as‘milky quartz'. As it is said that stones are interconnected with one another, it is a good idea to use a combination of them at the same time. Not only that, clusters are also essential items that have the power to cleanse rooms and even other power stones.


The ancients believed that rock crystals were extremely hard, frozen ice that could not melt. The English word crystal comes from the Greek word krystallos, meaning ‘ice.'


Sunbathing,Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster,Washing under flowing water
Using salt,Smoking with incense


The most popular and globally available of all power stones. Color rock crystals may discolor due to exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet rays.